Draanen, W. V. (2004).Flipped. New York, New York: Scholastic.
Teacher's Choice 2002
AGES: Scholastic Grade Level Equivalent 5.5; 720L
Wendelin Van Draanen has written a great book for teaching point of view. Flipped is written from the perspective of Bryce and Julianna, each chapter jumping back and forth. This novel takes you on the journey of their friendship in a fun and entertaining path. Van Draanen also has Bryce and Julianna learn to grow and change over the course of the novel in a way that seems so real. Great novel to use in any fifth or sixth grade classroom.
sophisticated, branded, lunatic, catapulted, sycamore tree, edification, ornery, scoundrel, imminent, hors d'oeuvres, perpetual, condescending, accusations, caviar, mortification
TEACHING STRATEGIES: (small group intstruction)
During: Pay attention to point of view and how each situation is different to Bryce and Julianna. Have students create venn diagrams as they read to keep track of the changes and similarities.
After: Have students write their own narratives from two different point of views. So that they understand that point of view really does change a story. They could also create a poem in two voices, using the text to create their pieces.
http://www.randomhouse.com/kids/vandraanen/content/books.html- about author Wendelin Van Draanen
http://www.voki.com/- students can make a voki to show off the different perspectives
http://www.wakegov.com/NR/rdonlyres/FE8D5925-FC23-4BCF-BE45-E735B95A31F6/0/Flipped.pdf- discussion questions and author interview
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