Saturday, September 3, 2011

One Well: The Story of Water on Earth by Rochelle Strauss and Rosemary Woods

Strauss, Rochelle, and Rosemary Woods. One well: the story of water on Earth. Toronto: Kids Can Press, 2007. Print.

Science, non-fiction

AGES: Scholastic grade level equilalent 5.8, 960L

One Well: The Story of Water on Earth is a great novel to tie reading into science instruction. This novel gives a great description of the importance of water on earth bring up issues related to the water cycle and how water really has the power to change everything. Great illustrations and summaries of each topic related to water. (plants/ water cycle/ animals/ habitats-ocean, lakes/ people/ access to the well/ demands on the well/ freshwater in the well/ pollution- saving water) It also gives facts that make the topics relatable to students. For example, it takes about 1 million tiny water droplets to make just one raindrop. This really makes students want to learn more and read on.

groundwater, precipitation, evaporate (water cycle), photosynthesis, transpiration, habitat, atmosphere, food chain, well, hydroelectric plants, freshwater, distribution- supply and demand, agriculture, pollution, conserve, climate change, water consumption

TEACHING STRATEGIES: (read-a-loud, use at beginning of new units)
Becuase this novel discusses so many topics relating to water on earth, it can be used to open up various units and to start students thinking about what they are going to learn.

Before: Have them go over what they think water means to them and what water does.

During: Every day have the students write down the fact that they found most interesting from the reading, share. Place these facts around the classroom for students to reference throughout the unit.

After Go over all that they have learned about water, maybe for the next few days, display some of the facts around the classroom.  Have them create one of their own facts about water maybe by researching more about water online. At the end of all units have them create a project to teach the other classes about how to conserve water, educate others.

ONLINE RESOURCES: Activities directly related to the text, information about the author, information about what your class can do to conserve water lessons and activites all related to water

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